what is espresso

Espresso: What It Is, How to Drink and Evaluate It

Espresso, a small yet complex beverage, is crafted from a substantial quantity of finely ground coffee and water forced through it under high pressure. Utilizing professional coffee machines, which typically generate a pressure of 8.5 to 9.5 bar, and home coffee makers reaching 12 to 15 bar, the standard espresso volume is set at about 30 milliliters, derived from 8 to 10 grams of coffee grounds. This measurement has become a global benchmark, established over two decades ago by the Coffee Station organization.

Evaluating Espresso

A critical component of espresso is the crema, a frothy layer of essential oils created during the brewing process. The crema’s volume, density, and elasticity vary, providing clues about the coffee’s quality. While once the color of the crema was a focus, modern evaluation prioritizes its presence, density, and elasticity. Testing the crema’s elasticity can be as simple as tilting the cup to observe if it retains its shape and integrity.

Drinking Espresso

The best way to enjoy an espresso is to consume it relatively quickly. Stirring the espresso and crema together ensures a uniform distribution of flavors. A preliminary sip of water can cleanse the palate, enhancing the sensory experience of the espresso’s distinct flavor notes.

Impact of Coffee Variety on Espresso Flavor

The choice of coffee variety significantly influences the espresso’s flavor. Options range from Arabica beans from Latin America, Brazil, Africa, and other regions, each imparting unique characteristics to the espresso. Some coffees exhibit dramatic flavor changes as they cool, so it’s crucial to select a type that aligns with your taste preferences. Engaging in a dialogue with your barista about these preferences can greatly enhance the espresso experience.


Espresso, at its core, is about personal enjoyment. Don’t hesitate to discuss your tastes with baristas and consider their suggestions. Ultimately, the most important aspect is savoring the rich taste and aroma of your preferred coffee, making each espresso experience uniquely satisfying.

Matt Cassels
Hi, I’m Matt Cassels.


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