Best Practices for Reheating Coffee

can I reheat coffee in a microwave

The debate around reheating coffee is a longstanding one within the coffee community. Some argue that coffee should be consumed fresh, while others seek ways to salvage a cup that’s gone cold. Let’s delve into whether it’s feasible to reheat coffee without compromising its taste and the best methods to do so.

The Consensus on Coffee Reheating

Traditionally, coffee aficionados and baristas have maintained that coffee, once brewed, should be enjoyed hot. As it cools, coffee naturally evolves, often becoming smoother and more acidic. This transformation is not necessarily negative, as it can reveal new layers of flavor. However, the desire to reheat coffee arises frequently, prompting the question: Can it be done without negatively affecting the coffee’s flavor?

The Problem with Keeping Coffee Warm

Using a hot plate to keep coffee warm is a common practice, especially with household filter coffee machines or in some cafes. However, this method is arguably the least favorable for preserving coffee’s quality. Prolonged exposure to heat causes water evaporation and degradation of essential oils and sugars, fundamentally altering the coffee’s taste.

Microwave: A Surprisingly Effective Method

Against expectations, the microwave emerges as a viable solution for reheating coffee. Microwaves heat by agitating water molecules, making them an efficient tool for reheating beverages primarily composed of water. This method can quickly warm up coffee without significantly changing its fundamental taste profile.

Does the Flavor Change?

Reheating coffee may lead to an increase in bitterness due to the breakdown of certain acids. However, the extent of this change can vary based on the coffee’s quality and origin. For instance, specialty coffees, often cultivated at higher altitudes, might exhibit a natural resistance to bitterness upon reheating.

Optimal Containers for Reheating

Not all containers are suitable for microwaving coffee. Paper cups, for example, are often lined with plastic and can release harmful substances when heated. Glass or ceramic mugs are recommended for reheating coffee as they do not impart any flavors or chemicals into the coffee.

Experimenting with Reheating Coffee

In practice, reheating a cooled filter coffee can yield surprisingly positive results. Initially, as coffee cools, it may lose some of its vibrancy and complexity. However, careful reheating in a microwave for a short duration can partially restore the coffee’s warmth and aroma without introducing excessive bitterness or altering its flavor profile significantly.


Reheating coffee, especially using a microwave, can be a feasible way to enjoy a cup that has gone cold. The key is moderation and understanding how different coffees react to reheating. While it’s generally preferable to enjoy coffee fresh, reheating can be a satisfactory option for those looking to savor their brew a little longer. Remember, the best container for reheating is glass or ceramic, as these materials ensure the coffee heats evenly and maintains its flavor integrity.

Matt Cassels
Hi, I’m Matt Cassels.


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